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List of Greek mythological creatures : ウィキペディア英語版
List of Greek mythological creatures

==Mythological creatures==
Greek myth includes many monstrous beings:
* Agrius, a giant.
* Anax, a giant, son of Uranus and Gaea.
* Asterius or Aster, a giant.
* Athos, a giant.
* Alcyoneus, a giant.
* Almops, a giant, son of the god Poseidon and the half-nymph Helle.
* Aloadae, they were strong and aggressive giants.
* Ephialtes
* Otus (or Otos)
* Amphisbaena, a serpent with a head at each end.
* Antaeus, half-giant son of Poseidon and Gaia. Killed by Heracles.
* Arachne, a half-spider half-female, she is the mother of all spiders. She was made into that by Athena, after losing to a weaving contest after she boastfully said she was the best.
* Argus, a 100-eyed giant.
* Basilisk
* Caucasian Eagle, a giant eagle set by Zeus to feed on the ever-regenerating liver of Prometheus; it was a son of Echidna.
* Centaur or Centauride , a head and torso of a human with the legs and behind of a horse.
* Agrius, one of the Centaurs who Heracles fought with.
* Asbolus, in Greek mythology, was a centaur. He was a seer, or an auger. He was a diviner who read omens in the flight of birds.
* Chariclo, wife of the centaur Chiron
* Chiron, the eldest and wisest of the centaurs. The ancient trainer of heroes.
* Chthonius, a Centaur who was killed by Nestor at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia.
* Eurytus, a Centaur present at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia, and the one that caused the conflict between the Lapiths and the Centaurs by trying to carry the bride off.
* Nessus, famous centaur, known for being killed by Heracles.
* Pholus, a wise centaur and friend of Heracles
* Cerberus, the three-headed, giant hound that guarded the gates of the Underworld.
* Cetus, sea monsters.
* Charon, a ferryman at the river Styx
* Charybdis, a sea monster whose inhalations formed a deadly whirlpool or a huge water mouth.
* Chimera, a fire breathing three-headed monster with one head of lion, one of a snake, and another of a goat, lion claws in front and goat legs behind, and a long snake tail.
* Chthonius, a giant.
* Cyclops, they were one-eyed creatures.
* Arges, one of the children of Gaia and Uranus. Uranus have locked him in Tartarus.
* Brontes, one of the children of Gaia and Uranus. Uranus have locked him in Tartarus.
* Steropes, one of the children of Gaia and Uranus. Uranus have locked him in Tartarus.
* Polyphemus, son of Poseidon.
* Daemons
* Diomedes of Thrace, was a giant, the son of Ares and Cyrene
* Echion, a giant.
* Eurynomos, the netherworld daemon of rotting corpses dwelling in the Underworld.
* Empousa, seductive female vampire demons with fiery hair, a leg of bronze and a donkey's foot. They are especially good at ensnaring men with their beauty before devouring them.
* Enceladus, a giant.
* Erinyes (Furies), the goddesses of vengeance, who were the offspring of Gaia born from the blood shed when Kronos castrated his father Uranus. Their number is usually left indeterminate, Virgil mention that they were three:
* Alecto
* Megaera
* Tisiphone
* Eurytus, a giant.
* Ghosts, Shades, Spirits.
* Gegenees, six-armed giants which were slain by the Argonauts.
* Geryon, was a giant according to Hesiod Geryon had one body and three heads, whereas the tradition followed by Aeschylus gave him three bodies. A lost description by Stesichoros said that he has six hands and six feet and is winged; there are some mid-sixth-century Chalcidian vases portraying Geryon as winged. Some accounts state that he had six legs as well while others state that the three bodies were joined to one pair of legs.
* Gigantes, were a race of great strength and aggression. Archaic and Classical representations show Gigantes as man-sized hoplites fully human in form. Later representations show Gigantes with snakes for legs.
* Gorgon, monstrous women depicted as having snakes on their head instead of hair, tusks and whiskers.
* Medusa, whose gaze could turn anyone to stone.
* Stheno, most murderous of the sisters.
* Euryale, whose scream could kill.
* Graeae, three old women with one tooth and one eye among them.
* Deino
* Persis or Perso or persos
* Pemphredo
* Hecatonchires, three giants of incredible strength and ferocity.
* Briareos or Aegaeon
* Cottus
* Gyges
* Harpies, creature with torso, head and arms of women, talons, tail and wings (mixed with the arms) of bird.
* Hippocampi, sea creatures with the fore-parts of horses and the tails of fish and fins instead of hooves.
* Ichthyocentaurs, a pair of marine centaurs with the upper bodies of men, the lower fronts of horses, and the tails of fish
* Ipotane, a race of half-horse, half-humans
* Keres, spirit of violent or cruel death
* Kobaloi, was a sprite from Greek mythology, a mischievous creature fond of tricking and frightening mortals.
* Laestrygonians or Laestrygones,, a tribe of giant cannibals.
* Antiphates, King of the Laestrygonians.
* Lamia, a vampiric demon which preyed on children
* Lernaean Hydra, also known as King Hydra, a many-headed, serpent-like creature that guarded an Underworld entrance beneath Lake Lerna. It was destroyed by Heracles, in his second Labour. Son of Typhon and Echidna.
* Lion-Headed Giants
* Leon or Lion, killed by Herakles in the war against the gods.
* Manticore or Androphagos, it has the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth. Persians called it Manticore, Indians called it martichoras and Greeks Androphagos (man-eater),
* Merpeople, human with fish tail after torso (Mermaid as female, Merman as male), they lure adventurers to drown them.
* Minotaur, a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man; slain by Theseus.
* Mimas, a giant.
* Mormo, a vampiric creature who bit bad children
* Onocentaur, part human, part donkey. Head and torso of a human with legs and behind of a donkey.
* Ophiotaurus, a creature part bull and part serpent.
* Orion, giant huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.
* Orthrus, a two-headed dog, brother of Cerberus, slain by Heracles.
* Pallas, a giant.
* Panes, a tribe of nature-spirits which had the heads and torsos of men, the legs and tails of goats, goatish faces and goat-horns.
* Polybotes, a giant.
* Porphyrion, a giant.
* Satyrs and Satyresses, companions of Pan and Dionysus which had human upper bodies, and the horns and hindquarters of a goat.
* Scylla, lover of Poseidon, transformed by Circe into a many-headed, tentacled monster who fed on passing sailors in the straits between herself and Charybdis.
* Scythian Dracanae, upper body of a woman, lower body composed of two snake tails.
* Sirens, mermaid like women whose irresistible song lured sailors to their deaths
* Skolopendra, giant sea monster said to be the size of a Greek trireme. It has a crayfish-like tail, numerous legs along its body which it uses like oars to move and extremely long hairs that protrude from its nostrils. Child of Phorcys and Keto.〔http://www.theoi.com/Thaumasios/Skolopendra.html〕
* Taraxippi, ghosts that frightened horses
* Telekhines, skilled metal-workers with the heads of dogs and flippers of seals in place of hands.
* Thoon, a giant.
* Tityos, was a giant.
* Typhon, extremely savage and terrifying monster with man's upper body, snake coils instead of legs and serpentine fingers.

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